Good Things

Love and Life by Jason

Never be scared that person will love you less for who you are.

If they do they never loved you at all.

Never be scared to tell the person you love how you feel.

Never love someone for what they are on the outside

love them for what they are on the inside.

Never question if you are in love or not,

because if you were in love you wouldn't need to ask.

Never lie or hide anything from the one you love.

Lying and hiding something are the same things.

It's not about finding the right person but creating a right relationship.

It's not about how much love you have in the beginning

but how much love you build till the end.

It's more than having someone beside you,

it's having someone right there for you.

Always give 100% to the person you love.

Always trust the one you love until they

give you a reason not to trust.

Accept everything about the person you love,

because you are not perfect either.

Never try to be someone you are not.

It is because you are different from anyone else that you are special.

Never hold on to the bad things,

Let them go so you have room for all the good things.

Never make someone a priority when they only make you an option…

it's good thing from my friend..........